MSCS Office Supplies & Trading Pte Ltd
MSCS Office Supplies & Trading Pte Ltd sister company of Micro System Computer Services, Since the founding of our company in 1997, Our main focus is delivering top notch and affordable computing services to our clients. But then along with this focus there is another little known secret service of ours which happen soon after we started our main business, which is delivering stationery products to our clients.
It all started when a few of our close clients requested us to help them purchase and bring along stationery products when we go to their office for maintenance visit or services. We gladly obliged treating it as another of our value added services. Throughout the years as the orders increases and our relationship with our distributors gets better, we are able to offer more variety of stationery products and also at more competitive prices.
The main reason to start this online portal is to showcase the wide range of products that we have is for easy viewing which will also means that we cut down the cost of printing catalogs and pass this savings back to our clients. We also know that tech savvy clients of today will be able to check on the monthly promotions that we have for even more saving.